Classroom Experiments Main Page

Plant-A-Plant Introduction

Seed Germination



Mineral Nutrition - Beginner

Mineral Nutrition - Advanced

Carbon Dioxide


Download: All Plant-A-Plant Documents (zip file)

Carbon Dioxide: Garden in a Bottle


The class will grow maize plants in a closed system under ambient (unchanged) and decreased CO2  conditions.  The amount CO2 available to plants is determined by the volume of the plastic bottle in which the plants are cultivated.  Decreased CO2 concentrations are established by placing sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which absorbs CO2, into the bottle before closing it.  Students will evaluate the impacts of decreased CO2 concetration on maize growth by making observations and measurements on plant size, leaf color and change in biomass.

Essential Questions
Where and how is the CO2 stored in the plant body?
How much CO2 does the air contain?
How does lower CO2 concentration in the air affect plant growth?
How is carbon dioxide a limiting factor to plant growth?
How does CO2 from the air get into the cells of plant leaves?
Do plant roots also need CO2?

Student Outcomes

Science Concepts

Approximate total amount of time necessary for the experiment is 23-27 days. There can be slight variation in duration of each part of the experiment due to differences in local conditions. 

Advanced Middle School & High School