Classroom Experiments Main Page

Plant-A-Plant Introduction

Seed Germination



Mineral Nutrition - Beginner

Mineral Nutrition - Advanced

Carbon Dioxide


Download: All Plant-A-Plant Documents (zip file)



The class will grow maize plants with different availabilities of water and evaluate how the level of watering influences plant growth.  Students will observe plant growth and record the period it takes for a given water supply to be consumed.  Results will be assessed by comparing plant size and weight.  The experiment will also demonstrate that a decrease of water in the experimental system is caused by both plant consumption and by evaporation directly from the surface of substrate.

Essential Questions
How is water a limiting factor to plant growth?
Are the plants able to grow without water?
Why do plants need water for growth?
How much water a plant body contain?
How can we measure the water content in the plant body?

Student Outcomes

Science Concepts

Approximate total amount of time necessary for the experiment is 20-24 days. There can be slight variation in duration of each part of the experiment due to differences in local conditions.

Advanced Middle School & High School